Refunds and Instalment Payment Plan Policy

EPTI Policy – Refunds & Instalment Payment Plans


Thank you for choosing the European Personal Training Institute. Before making your course booking please ensure that you are aware of the following:

Refund Policy

There is a strict no refund policy where candidates have access to online content on purchase.

There is ample opportunity via the videos and information on the website for every student to fully appreciate the course content before purchase.

Candidates are obliged to continue any outstanding instalment payments until the balance has cleared.

Practical course places are limited and once filled becomes unavailable to others. Deferment onto a later practical course will incur a fee of £250 to secure your place onto the new course, unless otherwise indicated by EPTI in writing.

In the case of sickness, or extreme circumstances which mean only part of a face to face practical course was attended, a deferment to a practical course at a later date will be made available.

Instalment Payment Plans

We offer instalment payment plans to allow students to spread the cost of their study. If you choose to pay via a payment plan, you are entering into a contract with EPTI to complete the payment plan in full without exception.

If you default on payment, we will revoke access to your course immediately, and we will email you to bring your account up to date. If defaulted payments are not settled within 31 days, we reserve the right to revoke the payment plan entirely and request the balance in full immediately.

Any balance that remains outstanding for longer than 90 days will be deemed bad debt and we reserve the right to permanently revoke your access to courses without refund.

Contact Us

If you have any questions on our Refund Policy, please contact us directly

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